There are not many sensations as unpleasant as sweating in your own home. When the summer and early fall sun is beating down, it’s important for your home to be a cool safe haven from the harsh heat. At Southern New Hampshire Plumbing, Heating, Cooling we specialize in installing and servicing A/C units to keep the chilly air circulating in your building when you need it most.
Whether it’s a mini-split system, heat pump, or central air, we have the expertise to service or repair your existing equipment. We also partner with several high quality vendors and are happy to supply and install a brand new A/C system for your property. If you have anything other than window box units cooling your home, you can count on us as your one stop source for supply, installation and service!
Unfortunately, air conditioners can be among the more sensitive fixtures in your home. It’s important to regularly replace filters, keep an eye on your refrigeration lines, and other minor TLC. If your A/C suddenly stops working, it’s not always anything catastrophic, but it’s probably something that needs to be addressed promptly to avoid a bigger future issue. That’s why our licensed professionals are available for service calls, whether your issue is big or small. From filthy filters to cleaning condensing coils, we know the maintenance it takes to keep your air conditioner blowing cold.
Water Treatment Systems
Sump Pump
Air Quality
Thermostat Install
Licensed and Insured: 5080 : GF0905878 : 0015080
Southern New Hampshire Plumbing and Heating